The Worst Day Of My Life | Teen Ink

The Worst Day Of My Life

May 21, 2018
By Skynelis BRONZE, Philadephia, Pennsylvania
Skynelis BRONZE, Philadephia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It was August 26, 2011 I woke up that morning I heard my mom and dad arguing. I hated when they argued because I felt like they did that because of me and my sisters. My mom and dad have been arguing since my sister was born. I could always hear my mom arguing with him every night that they thought we were sleeping. I always used to cry when that happened, but after a while it stopped bothering me. It used to make me feel bad for my mom because my dad used to curse at her.

I tried to cover my ears so I could go back to bed, but they only got louder and louder. I was pretty sure that they were going to wake up my sisters, but surprisingly they didn’t. I couldn’t go to sleep so I got off my bed, brushed my teeth, and change my clothes. They stopped arguing when they heard the water running. I went downstairs my dad wasn’t there, but I could feel the breeze as if he had just left the house. I asked my mom where he was at and she told me that he went to go and get milk for your sister. “Didn’t we have milk already, Mom?” I said. “He went to the store, Moon. Stop asking me already.”

My mom was making breakfast I could smell the hash browns and eggs as she was cooking. After about half an hour later she served my food. It had a bad taste. It didn’t taste like how she usually made it. I could tell that she was mad at my dad because when she’s mad her food taste like how she feels.  She didn’t say anything all morning to me. After I finished eating I went upstairs to wake up my sisters. I brought them down the stairs and served them some breakfast. I had to feed my littlest sister because she is only two.

Just after I finished feeding my sister my dad walked in he put the milk for my sister on the table and went upstairs. I went upstairs to say good morning, but the door was locked. When I put my ear to the door I heard another woman’s voice. Who is that? It doesn’t sound like any of my family members. Is that who they were arguing about? Her name was name was Jasmine, I think. Why was he talking to her? I think I saw her before when she dropped off my dad one of the nights that my parents were arguing. I remember her kissing my dad on the cheek. Why was he with her that night? I wanted to talk to him since he was always out with her and didn’t have time to pay attention to his kids anymore.

So I asked him to open the door told me to go downstairs. I asked him who he was talking to and he told me to go downstairs again, but I was not letting him go that easily. “Why should I. Oh yeah because jasmine doesn’t know you have a whole other family here, right” I said. “How do you know about her?” “You really think I can sleep when you and mom argue so much when you think I’m sleeping” “Go downstairs now, Moon.” “Ok I will, but let me say hi to Jasmine. I want to mess up your relationship with her because I know you want to kick my mom out for her” “Hi Jasmine. This is Sky, his daughter”.

Before I could say anything else my mom came up the stairs and told me “I know what he is doing is bad, but you can’t disrespect him like that. He is your one and only father.”  “Moon, you need to go now!” he said. “Why should I listen to him?” I said. “Mom, you are giving him what he wants. He wants us to leave. He wants us to get out of his life” I said as I stomped my feet and went to my room. I locked the door and opened the window. I climbed out the window out to my tree house. I picked up a box and sat down. When I was little, around 6 years old, I used to look at our baby pictures and tried to guess who was who.

I opened the box and took out my family photos. I looked at the photos of my mom and my dad and started to cry. They were so happy. We used to be a happy family, long ago, but at times like that it felt as if we were back to normal. Were those smiles just for show? Did they only act like that when we were around? Did my dad really care that I was hurt by this or was it just fake like everything else he does? I don’t know why but ever since I saw Jasmine, when she dropped of my dad, I kept questioning myself about how my life was back about 3 years. How he acted especially. I didn’t know about Jasmine until a few weeks ago. I didn’t even know how long they were together until yesterday when they were arguing about us again.  


I wiped my tears and went back in my room. I opened the door and went downstairs to grab my sisters. I took them downstairs like my mom asked me to at first. I put their favorite shows on and put the volume loud so I would not hear my mom and arguing. I didn’t want to hear what they were arguing about this time. After about twenty minutes my sisters fell asleep. I put them in the crib and lowered down the volume of the television.

My mom and dad were still arguing, but this time the topic was different. He was talking about him keeping us. My mom kept yelling saying “You are not taking my children away from me!” I went upstairs to grab some water. My mom stopped arguing with my dad. She grabbed my hand and took me downstairs. She told me to grab clothes for me and my sisters enough for this weekend. I got clothes and got my sisters dressed. I called my mom and told her I am done. She told me to open the back door for my uncle and help him put your sister’s things in the car. After I got everything in the car my uncle drove to the front of the house.

When we go to the front of the house my mom came out the door and my dad right behind her yelling and cursing at her. Saying you better not come back. My mom got in the car and we drove off. My sisters stared at my dad and started to cry as we drove. I had no idea why my mom chose to leave today. I don’t know why she left on my sister’s birthday.

I didn’t start crying because I knew that it was my dad’s loss. He didn’t need us. He just wanted that girl that isn’t going to do any good. He wanted to leave the only people that actually loved him. Maybe, if my dad didn’t kick us out the house and he didn’t start a new family I wouldn’t be the same person as I am now. After years he still hasn’t changed he still is the same person he was years ago. He was the one that changed me.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because i want to show that your family won't always be there for you and you have to be dependant on yourself and only yourself.

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