My Uncle's Death | Teen Ink

My Uncle's Death

May 21, 2018
By Anonymous

The day my uncle died, that was the saddest day of my life. It all started when I was at the laundry mat with my mom and  while we we're waiting for the clothes to finish, my mom's phone started to ring; It was my dad. My mom picked up the phone after  a couple of second tears started to pour down her face at that moment I knew something bad had happened. Soon, my mom passed me the phone.

"Jami, I'm sorry but Tio Inior passed away this morning," my dad said crying.

When he told me this I so heartbroken. My uncle was an old guy in his mid - 50s, his  though he had gray hair, cane, and style of dress made him looked older than me but Still he was my best friend.

We did everything together, we played games like Bingo and Candy Land, watch tv, and ate fruits with whipped cream. As I got older, I notice that my Uncle was drinking and coughing a lot. I noticed he was getting sick, and soon he was in the hospital bed. I tried to visit him but the hospital said I was too young.

After  hearing the news, we headed home and I told my little brother that our uncle Tio Inior had died but he was too young to understand what had happened. That night I slept in the last thing my uncle bought me; a purple Hannah Montana dress. I cried all night long. I wanted to know what happened, I asked my sister, Destiny, how did Tio Inior died.

"He started to cough up blood, we told him that we're  going to take him to the hospital but he said he didn't want to go to the hospital that he was ok but we didn't listen so we took him to the hospital anyway. When we got  to the hospital, they took him immediately to get tests done. When they found out what was the problem they told dad that Tio Inior's lungs were bad. The day he died April 19,2013 in the morning the hospital told dad that Tio's lungs stop."

When my sister told me this I wished I had spent more time with him.
I wish we had enough money to give him a proper funeral.
I wish my uncle didn't have a drinking problem.

After my uncle died, I was different, I didn't care about anything no more, I stopped doing thing I did with my uncle, my attitude change. My uncle's death meant everything to me but now I know he's in a better place and I know he still loves me. The affected that it had on me was I was the same happy, goofy child anymore I became more serious. My uncle's death impact the way I lead my life, how because I was bad, I got in trouble a lot, got into a lot fights, and now I'm violent. I'm a changed person but it doesn't affected how much I love my uncle. The lesson that I learned is to never forget the people that been there for you and remember the good memories that you spend with them because you don't know what's going to happen the next day.

The author's comments:

This inspired me to write this because this was the day my the life change.

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