24 hour contest | Teen Ink

24 hour contest

March 30, 2018
By NavidMadani BRONZE, Alphretta, Georgia
NavidMadani BRONZE, Alphretta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the middle of the woods no contact to the outside world just your camera a bag of supplies and a will to live. It all started last summer. My brother’s friend wanted me to join him in a contest for taking pictures in nature. The catch was however that you had 24 hours alone to take as many pictures as possible and eventually become chosen by 6 judges to win the grand prize of 15000 dollars. Once I heard this my heart was pounding, I was hooked. It seemed like a great learning experience. I watched countless videos on how to survive a day in the woods and I seemed to get the hang of it very easily. My brothers friend was impressed on how interested I was in this competition maybe he could tell you

“ I remember asking Navid’s brother if he was interested in joining but he couldn’t be bothered, but as soon as I called and asked Navid he was ecstatic he was very thankful for inviting him and said he wouldn't let me down which he didn't at all.”

Prep day. The week before the contest I needed to gather supplies such as water bottles bungee cords knives protein bars etc. The limit was one backpack and one bag for your camera. Before the competition I camped out in my backyard to try and get used to it for 1 night and it went well I was able to set up a shelter and fire in no time. The night before the competition I couldn't sleep with all the butterflies in my stomach I wasn't even worried about the threats I may face I was only looking at how amazing this contest would be

Morning of the competition I got up at 5 because I couldn't sleep and then ran 3 miles and took a shower by then it was 7. I still had 5 hours to kill. I made sure I packed all my goods and my batteries for my camera were all charged. 25 batteries 6 sd cards 3 lenses 2 tripods and all my survival gear. I was set for the competition

Rules. They were simple you and about 30 other people were driven to an area unannounced. You were released then had 24 hours to take as many pictures as you could. After the 24 hours you all would meet back up in a area marked on the map. After everyone meets they are able to use laptops to choose and edit 10 photos to be judged in the competition.

As we were being driven through the woods my mind was racing as the rules were being explained I couldn’t stay in my seat. Around me were 20-30ish year old men with very expensive and nice gear. However I knew these guys were nothing. They just had the gear but didn't seem to have the experience at that moment I was filled to the brim with excitement and pride as I was thinking that I could win with ease.

We get out of the car and the host hands out the maps and tells us the boundaries and where to meet up. After the directions everyone bolted. Many were worried about getting their pictures setup but I however knew if I could set up shelter fast I would be able to take many pictures without worrying about nightfall. I came up to a perfect spot that was flat and had many sticks nearby. I built my shelter and an area for fire. I saw a few people that were still only taking pictures I chuckled as I knew that they wouldn't be able to find shelter fast enough and would waste their time trying to build one in the middle of the night. It was getting dark. Time to start

I had taken a few pictures during the day but I was waiting for nightfall. Night is the greatest time to take pictures. I walk around very quietly so I could be able to see owls deer and was lucky enough to see a fox. I was taking pictures left and right. I had no distractions no worry for food or shelter and night was my strong suit. The forest at night was alive yet calm at the same time. It made me feel as if I was welcome to take pictures of its beauties and scars. There was one hour where I didn't worry about pictures either I just walked and walked almost leaving the boundaries. It was incredible seeing all the nocturnal animals finally show themselves. I enjoyed every second of the experience and will never forget the cool air blowing all around me with smells of pine.

The 10 pictures I submitted were some of the best ones I had taken in my whole life. I was able to get an amazing picture of owls looking straight at the camera with their big eyes questioning why I was there. As I took the picture I knew this was the one. I stayed up until 4am taking pictures and enjoying my time in the wild. I came back to my shelter which was still standing started a fire and attempted to go to sleep.

I woke up and realized it was 30 minutes before the competition ended I slept like a baby the whole morning. I got up packed my supplies stomped the fire out and went to the meeting area. I saw others on my way and they looked as if they had never slept in their entire lives. I got my laptop editing the 10 photos and submitted them. We then waited about a hour and a half for the judges to finish. They decided to call each person from 30th place to 1st place.

As it got to tenth place my heart was pounding out of my chest I could hardly breath as I got to 5th place. 3rd place I was on the floor. They called up me and another competitor for 2nd and 1st place. We looked at each other as we walked . I was sweating bullets my legs shaking but as soon as I saw him acting the same I got under control and calmed myself. The judges got the mic and said my name I shrank I thought I had gotten 2nd place but they said I got first and I couldn't move I was paralyzed. I walked up took the check and was congratulated for my wonderful picture of the owls.

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