Lesson Learned | Teen Ink

Lesson Learned

October 18, 2018
By GetbizzyZai BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
GetbizzyZai BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is not a game it's not a joke its not to act a fool life is a valuable and gifted opportunity. I learned this the hard way and in this story I will be explaining why you shouldn't take life for granite or as a joke. So one day I’m thinking everything is going fine until I get on the bike and start riding to work which was about 25 minutes away. So as I’m riding a bike across the street a car comes speeding down the road as I’m crossing the street. To let you guys know it was a red light.


So as I’m crossing the car comes and hits the side of my bike in the back on my wheel, and I come flying of the bike and I hit my head on a Herr’s truck parked across the street and I had a huge cut on my leg and arm. This all happened on a one way street. So when i got hit I did not know what to do so I stood up and people who was nearby told me to get back were I was and lay down and to hurry up, so I’m like okay. So I lay down back were I was hit and the car pulls over. Everyone stops walking and look at me and someone called the cops and ambulance for me because I was really hurt.


So After about 5 minutes the cops and ambulance arrives and starts to ask me, Can you get up? Are you alright? Is anything broken? Can you see me well? Can I walk? What is my name? How old am I? What is my mother’s name? Were I am from? Where I live? And what’s my mother's number? Those are the first questions the ambulance asks me. Then they help me up into the ambulance and ask, were was I going? Was I smoking? Where is the bike? How did the car hit me? Was it a red light when I crossed that sort of stuff? So I’m hurt and answering questions. This happened at about 10 in the morning. So the ambulance tells me that a state vehicle hit me and that I will be alright I’m almost at the hospital.


So I get to the hospital and I’m lying there in the bed waiting to be helped and released cause I wanted to go to work I felt fine I was just bleeding and had a huge knot on my head. So then I get a ticket or whatever it's called telling me that I have court because I didn't have a helmet on.


So my mom gets there and is scared and everything asking what's going to happen to me and this and that, so they put me to sleep I don't know anything that happened during that time. I tell my mom to calm down I’m ok I’m ok and can I leave now so the doctor and my mom telling me that I can feel ok now but later in life I could start hurting or feel pain from this accident. So I’m still like ok trying to get to work.


Like a couple months after the accident I didn't believe the doctor or my mom but my back started hurting and we kept going to the doctor telling them its sum wrong and the doctor just keeps saying it’s probably just sore. So we ask for a MRI and once I got my MRI results they tell me I have a ruptured disk in my back and they explain what that is and what it does. This all happened 2 summers ago back in 2017 and till this day 2018 going on till 2019 I still have back pains that make me want to cry. I’m telling you guys this story because I always thought that nothing going to happen to me, everything's fake and I really thought that I will never get hit by a car I am not that dumb, but  look what happens I found out the hard way, which is by getting hit by a car.


So I hope you guys that is reading my story get the lesson I’m trying to tell you which is not to take life or anything for granite cause I could've died and be gone forever but god has a plan for me so I am kept alive to warn others teach others and let others know god is here and has a plan for everyone no matter who and what you are or do he has a plan for you. I am blessed to see another day and keep living. So please take this lesson and tell it to others and learn from this learn from my mistake so you don't make the same mistake and end up dead somewhere or hurt like I was.

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