Serving in Mundelein | Teen Ink

Serving in Mundelein

December 18, 2018
By beccapanos BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
beccapanos BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The energy that fills the room is tangible as the kids come into the class one by one as they get off of their busses and out of their parents car. They rip off their jackets and make a B-line for the door. When I walk into the room the kids are already chasing each other around with plastic toys, I look around to see some of the girls in the corner nursing the baby dolls are look live they’ve been there for decades, turn to my right to see more of them crashing cars into each other on an endless loop. Pretty normal day in the classroom if you ask me. Settling fifthteen 4 year olds is as easy as juggling on a unicycle, a task not designed for a single person. Miss Lisa and Miss Andrea are what you might call the ring leaders of these crazy group of kids. They peacefully instruct as the commotion occurs until all the kids are settles down into their seats on the carpet circle that bursts with color calling for the kids’ attention. The chaos resumes as we ask “Who would like to lead circle time today?”. Hands and voices shoot out with so much excitements you would’ve believed they won a million dollars. The 14 disappointed faces slump back into their seats as I choose one to be the leader.

I sit back and watch with a warm fuzzy feeling inside, not many people like their job but I love mine. Nothing beats working with kids who are so full of energy, who crave learning with a never ending hunger. Despite the disabilities each one of the kids has, they still show up ready for whatever we throw at them, whether it’s an new song, learning to write or read, they always rise to the challenge. There’s nothing as rewarding as seeing the most loving children on the planet enjoy themselves in an environment that is safe for them to be themselves and so as they wish. Their smiles could light up an arena as they sit down with every colored crayon in the world and a blank sheet of printer paper, they feel as if they have the power of world in their two tiny hands.

As we near the end of the day the excitement has sustained. They powern through the end of free time with a sugar rush of energy, as if you can tell they’ll crash the moment they get home. The kids start to pack up, but the mood doesn’t change, they know they’ll be back tomorrow, for another crazy fun day packed to the brim with new adventures. They leave the room carrying their energy with them, the positivity, and the never ending love of learning. Ready to start new again tomorrow.

The author's comments:

This piece was inpired by Barbara Ehrenreich's "Serving in Florida"

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