My Hidden Friends and Me | Teen Ink

My Hidden Friends and Me

January 30, 2019
By MayaGriffin BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
MayaGriffin BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t have any friends. Not real ones anyway. The friends I have are pieces of my mind. Some are fractured and broken others are my innocence and purity. Though I’m not trans they are all male as I seem to have a stronger connection with boys even though I am a girl. There’s five of them. It will all make sense soon.

There’s Davos Santori a half Mexican half African American teenager who has dyslexia and is an ex junkie. He questions why bad people should be allowed to leave, he wonders why the government puts their head in where it doesn’t belong, he took drugs to help him get through day to day life as he comes from a very poor family. His father is in jail and his mother works two jobs, allowing them to barely scrape by. He’s not the oldest child and certainly not the best looking, but he charms the ladies, he takes care of his grandmother, and when someone threatens his sisters he is there in a flash. Davos is the part of me that will do whatever it takes to protect the ones I love, he’s the part of me that knows life is hard to live but people are counting on me so I have to live it.

There’s Luke Morningstar a deaf teenager with blond hair and violet eyes. A good part of him is made of machinery as he has a next gen cochlear implant that is hidden inside his brain and a bionic right arm that goes up to his shoulder after he lost it in an incident. We don’t mention the arm. Luke is from Russia, he immigrated under political refugee. His own father who was a dictator in that country attempted to kill him twice. The first time was when Luke was only three years old. He tried to drown Luke in the ocean but failed. Still, it led to a serious infection which led to him losing his hearing. The second attempt led to Luke fleeing to America where he helped the U.S government take down his own father. Luke often wears long sleeves, gloves, and sunglasses to hide the things he considers his flaws. The only one he ever shows them to is Cindy. The love of his life and girlfriend. Luke is the part of me that fears what people think, and he’s the part that hopes one day I will find someone who doesn’t care about my flaws.

There’s Holden Grant he has black hair and  glasses and he’s an amnesiac plus a teenager with CIPA. CIPA is the medical condition where one doesn’t feel pain and Holden doesn’t remember anything before he was twelve. Holden lives in a foster home that has its own struggles, but he loves helping out anywhere and with everything. He used to dream of being a doctor when he got older, but that dream was crushed by Ethan. Holden is the part of me that doesn’t feel pain, doesn’t have any bad memories, and feels like I should pitch in because I owe people something.

There’s Ethan Grant the psychopathic multiple personality of Holden Grant. Ethan’s hair changes from Holden’s black to silvery gray  and he always removes Holden’s glasses. Ethan refuses to take anything from anyone but he destroys everything Holden works so hard for. He makes thing difficult for both of them as people turn away from him as soon as Ethan appears. Ethan is the part of me that I can’t control, the part of me that makes people turn and run, it’s the part of me that ruins my life even though I have no choice of his existence.

Finally, there’s Maxwell Forresstt a teenager with blond hair and blue eyes. He is a full on genius and the youngest of three children. Max is the sweetest kid you will ever meet. He helps everyone and trusts everyone. He’ll give his life to save everyone, in fact, one day it nearly cost him his life. He took a bullet to the heart saving Davos. It took a lot of surgery, physical therapy, and a mechanical heart pump inserted into his chest in order for him to get back to life. Max is the part of me that believes everyone deserves to live and be saved, he’s the part of me that will always find the good in people. He’s the best part of me. The part of me, I want people to see.

These are my friends. You only got a small glimpse at them, but if you truly knew them you’d be amazed at how much they’ve gone through and somehow still life to the fullest. They’ll never grow older, they’ll never change, and they’ll always be a part of me. In the words of the Fourth Doctor “There’s no point in being grown-up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes.”

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