The rusted metal keychain | Teen Ink

The rusted metal keychain

January 30, 2019
By AnthonyFrazier SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
AnthonyFrazier SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As i’m sitting in my new dorm and look down at my greatest treasure. I’m reminded of the best thing that happened to me, but this is a little too far ahead in the future, and let's go back to the present. Every day as I hear the jingle of my keys i’m reminded of my best friend. The small, cheap, and already rusted key chain. The key chain from Five and Below that we thought would be the best thing to represent our friendship. One half, the half I have in red lettering, reads, “Big sister”. The other half, the half she has, reads, “little sister”. The two halves that come together to become one heart.

These small tokens representing jokes, our friendship, and the bond we share. The three years of high school we've gotten through together, and soon the four to five years of college. The family and home that has become my second. My family becoming hers. Who knew that this girl, the girl who I despised the first second I heard her say something would be my best friend.

The only reason why I have this rusted key chain is that I had the courage to walk and make a conversation in my first-period English class. I put all my fear and nerves aside to make a friend. A friend that didn't just last the hour and forty-five minute period. A friend that helped me open up and grow. A friend who helped me branch out to meet new people and experience new things. Close friends are a one in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t let your fears stop you from receiving a treasure so great that it can change your life forever. A simple hello or conversation can’t spark the beginning of something amazing. I had no idea that my first simple banter with this girl would lead to us road tripping to south Texas, New York, and soon Florida. Becoming friends with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, pets, parents, siblings. I never knew a simple conversation could lead to something this amazing. She has been there for my ups and downs. Has made so many jokes and memories with me. She was the first friend I made the sophomore year of high school and will be now my friend forever. We will soon take a new journey as college comes. Her in Montana and I in Texas. As she travels north and I travel south, our friendship will only grow. As the distance grows our relationship will only get closer.  

Friends like this are very rare and one should cherish the friendship. These friendships are found in the most unlikely of places. One must have the courage to set off and find these places. One does not need to be afraid to let one's walls down and open up to someone new. Everyone should get the chance to experience a loving friendship. Someone to help one grow and to inspire one to be great. To be someone's second family. To have random adventures with oneself and make great memories. To laugh, smile, and cry with. Someone that'll make one a better person. Who always has ones back through thick and thin. A person one can just sit with in silence for hours and still have a fun time. Someone who pushes oneself to do new things and helps one grow. To stand up for oneself when no one else will. Find a person one can go to Five and Below with to get a cheap key chain that means so much more. To have a friend so close it inspires ones kids to find their best friend. Everyone deserves someone to enjoy life with. I'm just lucky enough to find my best friend in high school.

The author's comments:

I hope this narrative can help one find the courage to find their best friend.

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