My Love for Maw | Teen Ink

My Love for Maw

May 7, 2019
By EllieLavie BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
EllieLavie BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I knew that the love I had towards my grandma was a true “Jesus-like” love because it was not just a feeling but a choice. Love is one of the nine fruits of the spirit which are virtues that people have that are expressed in their daily lives. For me, I have always defined love as choosing to set aside one’s own wants to put others first. This fruit of the holy spirit always gives to others freely and does not ask for anything in return. The worth or money value of something is never considered when reflecting on love and its meaning. God shows an unconditional love for every individual and all of his creation. I believe that I truly embodied love, one of the fruits of the holy spirit, when I cared for my grandma for the last two days of her life.

My grandma and I have always been close. She has been my second mother, caregiver, and protector for my entire life. I have always felt and treasured her unconditional love for me. During the last few years of her life, I knew her health was declining; however, none of my family members wanted to admit to themselves that our beloved Maw would not make it to the next wedding, family holiday, or graduation. Words cannot describe the love my family had for Maw. She had raised all five of her own children and their kids as well. I always knew that I had to be there for her during her last years when no one in my family would face the fact that she truly was dying. Maw’s strength was outstanding. She had faced Katrina, the death of her husband (Paw), and multiple hip surgeries. Suddenly, everything took an unexpected turn for me when my grandma was told she had to receive a simple surgery on her gallbladder. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and parents thought this would be just another thing that Maw would make it through. But in my heart, I knew the surgery would be dangerous to her already weak health. During the week prior to the surgery, Maw denied help from anyone at home and said she had no symptoms of pain. It was always hard for her to accept any type of aid from others because for my whole family’s life, Maw was the caregiver. In the last two days leading up to her surgery, I felt that I showed myself to be a true woman of Christ who represented love as a fruit of the holy spirit through my constant attention and aid that I gave to my grandma. I told Maw that I wanted to sleepover and used it as an excuse to be her constant caregiver. I never left her side. I sat in the chair next to her, made all of her meals, talked with her, prayed with her, and was a constant show of love and support to her. In the days leading up to her surgery, I knew it was going to end badly and Maw confirmed this horrific thought to me: “Ellie, I don’t want anyone to be burdened by me. I am just happy that I will be able to see Paw again.” I hid my initial sadness at first when I heard these words from my grandma. I wanted to appear strong and confident out of love for her so that hopefully she would not fear the surgery. Next, I knew that I had to prepare myself for her death so that I could be there for my family. I believe that I truly portrayed love as a woman of Christ when I nurtured and provided for my grandma in her time before death. I continually showed this gift of the holy spirit when I offered my heart to my grieving family and said the eulogy at my grandmother’s funeral. I have never and will never meet a women as great as my grandmother, and I pray that one day I too will have Maw’s amazing and unconditional love for others and God.

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