8 Things I Learned While Being In Eight Grade | Teen Ink

8 Things I Learned While Being In Eight Grade

May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

1.) Don’t have really high expectations or you will be easily let down- 

   Reality isn’t close to our expectations at all. When you have really high expectations you will easily be let down. Nothing will come close to your expectations , the whole world around you will feel like it let you down and everything will seem like it isn’t going your way, but that’s just how the world is, it just isn’t perfect. It is good to dream but don’t expect everything to become a reality.

2.) To achieve something you might have to try several times-

   To achieve something there is going to be many trial and errors for something to be accomplished right , and once you do it you will be highly satisfied with yourself , you will notice that all your time and effort paid off.

3.) Try not to procrastinate get everything done in time-

   There will be many times where you don’t feel like doing something. Whether it is a homework assignment or a chore. There is a bunch of other things you would rather do, and you can keep to put the things off. But still you have to do them, it is so much better to get it done and enjoy the rest of your day than have to know that you still have to take care of that. And leaving something to the last minute is definitely not a good idea you will either have a lot more work to do in a short period of time or end up with something really bad and rushed.

4.) Change can be good in some situations-  

   Most people don’t like change once you discover what you like it is so much easier to live by the stuff that you like. But change can be good, you might even like the new thing you tried. It is good to expand your comfort zone because there will be many different situations and it is good to have different experiences.

5.) Focus on the good things not the bad ones-

   When we look at our day we tend to describe it on the bad things instead of the good things. Shure everyday isn’t perfect but focusing on the good things is something everyone should do. You should enjoy every minute of your life and you can’t do that if you are always thinking about the bad stuff. You should look at what makes that particular thing a bad part of your day and try to change it so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

6.) Be grateful of what you have instead of thinking about the things you don’t have-

   There is many things you might want, but for some reason you can’t have them. However there is so many kids and people out there who have way less. Some people have to realize that they are very fortunate  and be glad instead of always wanting way more.

7.) Live your life right now stop worrying about the future-

   It can be scary when you think about your future. There is so many things you can do. You have to make a lot of important decisions that will impact your life forever. With the big decisions if you mess up there will be big consequences. You should consider your future but not worry about it as long as you try to make the most out of each day you will be okay.  There is no way to predict what will happen in the future, you just have to get used to the fact that you can’t control every detail in your life but you can give your best each day.

8.) Think about your actions before you do them-

   It is easy to say or do something without thinking. But you should think more about how it will impact others. Some comments are offensive to other people or are topics that shouldn’t be brought up in the situation. That’s why you should really try to think about the effects before you say or do anything.. Even though it isn’t the most easiest thing to do.

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