My Indelible Moment | Teen Ink

My Indelible Moment

October 17, 2019
By spitlerwill24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
spitlerwill24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

About 3 years ago I had christmas in florida at my grandmas house and we were opening gifts and it was a medium sized box and I had no idea what it was because I didn't make a list and I opened it and it was a unicycle. I was kind of mad because I knew I could never ride and I didn’t really want to try to. But once I got home I rode it everyday for at least an hour. It took me 3 weeks to learn how to ride a unicycle. Once I got it i was so proud of myself because I doubted myself and I actually did it, and quite often I think about how before I thought that it was so hard and how I thought how cool it would be to be able to do that and now I can do that. Now i feel like it's easier than riding a normal bike. Also a few weeks ago I got it back out to see if I can still ride it because I haven’t ridden it in like a year and I still could so I guess it's just like a bike, once you learn how to ride it you never won’t know. So every once and a while I try to get it out to make sure I can still do it because I want to keep the skill for my whole life so because you never see people riding unicycles. I just find it crazy because when I was younger I used to find like unicycles and juggling and all that stuff and now I can actually do it and it just shows that you can do anything you put your mind to it, and it might take time and you might struggle a lot but you if you keep trying you can do it. Once you finally do what you wanted it will make you feel so much better than you just giving up. When I started learning how to ride it I wanted to quit so many times and I almost did but I knew I could do it and if I quit I knew I would hate myself. Now everytime I think I can’t do something or I want to give up I just think about when I first learned how to ride a unicycle and how proud I was after and I could get that same feeling with anything else. Thats my indelible moment.

The author's comments:

The time I learned how to ride a unicycle was one of the best days of my life.

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