Polaroid - The Pipiwai Trail | Teen Ink

Polaroid - The Pipiwai Trail

February 18, 2021
By AbigayleGroth BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
AbigayleGroth BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ended the day with one last hike. The Pipiwai Trail is a four-mile hike through the forest at the backside of Haleakala National Park. This trail is full of unique trees putting on a beautiful display of scenery. I started this hike off by walking through what seems to be a regular forest, but as I continued, the trees gradually become a deeper green color. Branches twist and turn in every direction. No tree looks alike. The trees begin to look more tropical if that’s even possible. As I continued down the path venturing deeper and deeper into the forest it’s like no place I have ever seen before. Vibrant, colorful, and unique trees stretch or miles. Farther down this trail, it starts winding around a beautiful, flowing river. 

Eventually, a little before the halfway point, I come across bamboo. Shortly after, I enter a bamboo forest. Reaching over 15 feet tall, I was surrounded by bamboo everywhere I look - by far my favorite part of this hike. Stretching for about two miles, this enormous bamboo was everywhere. As I walked through the bamboo I was taken away by how tall and green it was. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. 

Once the bamboo came to an end the trail became very slippery and muddy. This brown paste covered my legs as I continued down the trail. This path eventually, led us to the bottom of a hundred foot tall waterfall. The cool mist from the waterfall felt amazing against my warm skin. I was taken away by the beautiful scenery surrounding the waterfall. So green and so wet, everything was beyond amazing. Standing here in the middle of a rainforest, I was taken away. The sound of the rushing water coming over the cliff, the birds chirping in the distance, it was perfect. I stood at the bottom of the waterfall just enjoying everything around me for a few minutes but sadly, it was starting to get dark and I had to head back. This has forever been one of my favorite hikes and I can’t wait to hike this trail again.

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