KIds | Teen Ink


March 15, 2021
By hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when I was a little kid and the world seemed like such a crazy place. The world felt perfect, like all of my dreams were gonna come true one day. It was almost like nothing could ever go wrong. I remember I used to always sit on the couch and watch Tom and Jerry in silence, not moving much and never losing focus. I would stare at that TV for hours giggling at Jerry outsmarting Tom. When I got bored of watching TV, I would go outside to the yard and use my imagination to its fullest. I remember one time I was pretending to be at war with a monster and I needed to build a secret base, I built my secret base on a tree in our backyard. The secret base was huge, I cut down parts of the tree and used them to make walls for protection. My parents were so mad at me for destroying the tree but it was worth the fun. I will always remember those days when my mind would run wild, and I could have fun with things that weren’t even real. When I would get bored of playing outside, I would go inside to annoy my sister and her friends. My sister's door didn't have a lock on it, I used that to my fullest advantage and would bust through the door and cause as much of a disaster as I could. I stole my sister's flip phone one day, her and her friends chased me around the house for hours until I finally locked myself in the bathroom. I always wanted my sister to be my friend as a kid, that's why I would always try to get her attention. As the day came to an end and I was all out of energy, I would lay in bed with my Elmo blanket and fall asleep. That blanket was so soft and I was never able to sleep without it. My mom always prayed with me before I went to sleep. I loved the feeling of her hands wrapped around mine. I’ll always remember even though I was sleeping my mind would still be awake dreaming of new adventures, new stories, and a new day. I remember being young and having no fears, no worries, and no stress, maybe we should be more like kids sometimes. Maybe we should let go of fears, stress, and worries. Maybe we should focus more on our mind and our goals so we can do what makes us happy.

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