The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

April 11, 2022
By Anonymous

The thunder shook the house as rain began to fall. I grabbed the light pink covers and pulled them over my head. The plants outside were dancing around in the wind as the water droplets fell off their leaves. We haven’t had rain in weeks, so the plants didn’t resist the water. I was stuck inside on this gloomy day, while the dark clouds were covering miles in the sky. My room was pitch black, the blinds were shut, and the lights were off. Drip, drip, drip, the sound of the rain seeping through the damp roof and onto my now slick floor. I grabbed the light blue bucket and sat it under the wet, leaking, ceiling. I ran as fast as I could back into the comfort of my bed. I sat and stared at what was happening to the ceiling. The spot was a different shade of white, it was a light grey. The water fell faster into the half filled, blue bucket. The rain was beginning to fall harder. The pounding on the roof above me got louder and louder. I hid myself with the darkness of my covers. Rainy days were for rest but suddenly I did not feel at peace. The house shook and felt like it was lifting off the ground. The door swung open as my dog raced into my room. The wind howled outside my window. The thunder got louder and my dog got closer. I was wrapped up in my covers trying to drown out the loud bangs from the sky. Before I knew it the wind was slowly calming down. The rain came to a drizzle and the light blue bucket was full. The house was still. The sun began to seep through blinds and glisten in my eyes. My dog's shakes slowed, along with the racing of my heart. The vibrations of the thunder grew quieter and quieter. Everything stopped, everything was finally calm.

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