A letter to my five-year-old self | Teen Ink

A letter to my five-year-old self

June 3, 2022
By Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
21 articles 79 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If this year has taught me anything, it's that grief can destroy a person.”

Dear five-year-old me,

I hope you are having the best time of your life so far, just as I did. You like aeroplanes, right? Are you still drawing them while playing with that pink-coloured suitcase as a computer? Oh, no! I remember when you mixed soap into the gripe mixture and how your brother freaked out. Ha-ha. Not to forget, you must be wearing that saree with heels on. Enjoy those moments and live in them. How are our Brownie and Black 'n' White doing? Convey my love to them and take care of them too, because they are the initials of your life.

Even though there are beautiful and loving memories in our lives, that doesn’t mean that every day will be a rose-filled soft lane. I do not want to deceive you by concealing all the hardships. Life is harder than you think, girl. People will bully you because they see you as a threat. You must have trust in yourself because you are stronger than anybody else. Get yourself together and do everything. You have got a great way to go. You are in it for pleasure when you are grown up. You will make amazing friends and beautiful and incredible memories with boundless experiences and prospects. But there are countless moments that will be dark, helpless, alone, and sad, which can make you feel like stopping without going any further. But, please! Do not give up. Keep it going... Believe me, there are loads of good and better surprises waiting for you on your way. 

Count on yourself and the power within you. There is no problem with being weak because no one is born without being vulnerable unless they have to make themselves vulnerable and stand up strong. Just ask for help or guidance from your parents, teachers, and relatives because there is no one outside who you can believe. Some people will make you feel uncomfortable during school days and give you a hard time. You have to bear all of them happily. You are going to be a beautiful, tall girl just like I am now. You might get body shamed for that. Don’t accept the thoughts of dull-witted people, and do not let other people change you. That is one of the most important things that I can say to you. So remain positive. Please do not push yourself to trust people a lot and waste your precious time on "fitting in" with people. You might not find true friends in due time, but that does not mean that you have to give up on other pals too. If you are feeling down, read a book, talk with animals, take a pen and write some articles, or take a camera and capture the moments according to your point of view.

You must be forbearing with everything. Don’t set a limit for patience. Be kind to everyone. Because everything comes back to you in return. Study well. That might be hard. But, it can save your life and your pride. Be humble. But never put yourself at the bottom or on someone's toes. Share your knowledge. Nevertheless, don’t show what you’ve got until you’ve done and dusted it. Keep your classiness. 

Playing a sport is not to beat up everyone, but to learn about competition and how to treat everyone fairly. Do not hold grudges. Your life is a gift; it is valued more than anything. If anxiety or depression is hunting for your life, you must fight back because you cannot let anybody kill you. Protect yourself and others.

Love animals and nature. There will be amazing creatures in your happy and dark moments. They will never let you down and will always be there for you. Be someone who can show the value of life. Hold on with God. Do not let others make decisions for you. Do what makes you feel happy and comfortable. Be the captain of your life. Keep singing loudly as much as possible. I know you are a great low-key dancer. Don’t forget to listen and live in the songs of your favourites. Always choose the good from the bad. You deserve the world and to follow your passion and heart. I will always be there for you. Remember! You are not alone. Treat people with kindness. I love you more than anything. You got this. Take care.

Loads of love,

Your friend Marian.

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