Everyday | Teen Ink


September 30, 2022
By alh218 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
alh218 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The roar inside of me rises as I drive up to the building.

The fear of what is to come surrounds me as I find a parking spot.

I am anxious.

I hope that this year will be alright.

I hope that my classes will be fine.

I am anxious.

I try not to dread it, but I can’t help it.

“You will be okay” they say, but

I am anxious.

The rock tightens in my chest.

Deep breath in, out.

I am anxious.


The second time I pull into the parking lot

It’s like deja vu

I am anxious.

Between it being so early in the morning

And sitting in traffic for what feels like forever

I am anxious. 

I’m not going to dread it

At least I will try

I am anxious.

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