Essay Contest: The Magic Room | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: The Magic Room

September 30, 2022
By rjones16 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
rjones16 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every other Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m I volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House. This place is where kids and their families can stay when being treated at Children’s Hospital or other nearby hospitals. The mission is to keep families together and promote the health and well being of children. The thought of the families not being able to go through the difficult journey together and putting myself in their situation made me really want to get involved and make sure all they have to focus on is the kid and making sure they get better.

During my first shift I was given the chance to take two kids down to the magic room. This is a place where they get a toy and a book which will boost their mood and have more fun while going through whatever they may be going through. 

“Hi!!!!” the one kid excitedly said to me.

“Are you ready to go down to the magic room?” I asked.

“YES!!!” they screamed. 

We headed down the elevator. They both dropped their coin in the hole and the door magically opened. The look on their faces when that door opened was something I will never forget.

“This is awesome!!!” one of them shouted.

The kids spent many minutes looking through the toys and books and made sure to pick the best one. Then we headed back up the elevator. 

When we got out of the elevator, they both said, “Thank you so much, that was the best thing ever!!” Just hearing that made me realize how much the little things we do make such a big difference to people who are struggling or going through a rough time. No matter how small it may be, those things can make a big difference. The bigger journey these kids are going through makes these little moments really special and makes me realize why I am doing this in the first place.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest.

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