Essay Contest: The Help | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: The Help

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

I helped my neighbors move some furniture for them because I am younger than they are. Everytime i help them they always Are so appreciative of me helping them Its always so nice to see a smile on their face after i'm done helping them. 

I helped my best friend paint his truck after school last year because I had resources he didn’t. I helped him sand his truck for 2 day after school because hes helped me with things so i decided to help him back. And because of this we became really good friends after that and now we are like bestfriends. 

When I crashed my truck the cops gave me a break and allowed me to fix the fence I broke instead of charging me 4000 dollars to get it fixed. I payed that forward towards hbelping other people. 

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the teens competition. 

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