October 3, 2022
By tylercarnell SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tylercarnell SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As my alarm clock blares twenty minutes before usual at 6:00 AM, I roll out of bed knowing it is game day. As I get ready for the school day, I throw on my jersey and step outside into the brisk Friday morning air, ready to get into my car. I pulled out of my driveway earlier than usual to beat the normal crowd. 

As I pull into the school, the parking lot is not even close to full. When I grab my backpack, and lock my car, I start heading into school. When I get closer, an army of football jerseys from walking towards the building ready to kick off our days by holding doors for our peers. 

As we greet the students with a smile and a “ Good Morning!” we ask  “ Are you coming to the game tonight?”

Where most of the time the answer is something joyful and more towards the “I'll be there” response with a blush in their face.

We start the day off by doing something kind to help inspire and motivate others to come support us later that evening. Our team is focusing on positive things to do inside and outside of school, and try to be the best leaders we possibly can be and be as involved in the school as much as we are football. This makes all of us happy and achieved going into the school day and helps the players improve their chemistry with the team and the rest of the students in the school.

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