Why we shouldn't trust everyone | Teen Ink

Why we shouldn't trust everyone

October 12, 2022
By CamilaBG1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
CamilaBG1 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you were born to be real, not to be perfect"-unknown

 I started to always just hang out with myself during school time, it's been the best thing I have done. I still hang out with some of my friends I have made and been honest with me. But I rather keep a distance with people that give me a vibe that doesn't match with mine or that they don't want to be there. So what I have learned out of this was that you shouldn't always trust anyone with anything about you.

      In 8th grade I became friends with this girl named Nova , we got so close to each other, we went into quarantine , we would text each other here and there. Then we started 10th grade in person again.on the first day of school it was all normal.

     Nova said “ hey, we haven't seen each other in a while since  we saw each other.”

   I replied”hey, omg yes how have you been?”

      We just kept catching up with each other the whole day.We kept hanging out with each other everyday during lunch and we would walk to class together. So while time when by I started to notice she would kinda always be judgment when I would talk about anything I did or even just say the littlest things.So I thought to myself”maybe she doesn't really want to be friends anymore so we should distance yourself from her.”So round spring I started to notice everytime we would be around her cousin she would always like get close to her and started to say something. 

     I told nova”hey, im go hang out with my best friend this week”

    Nova asked “why  the awkwardness and distancing”

    I replied “I just wanted need space honestly”

     After that whole week, I liked hanging out with my best friend. It made me feel much more comfortable and after all I figured out that nova was talking about me behind my back to her friend. I thought to myself “ I was right this whole time”

        I always tell people that they shouldn't always trust anyone even if you think t

hat you knew them for years, it doesn't mean anything honestly.You might think that they have your back and they don't have it back. I would honestly say that people you might not expect to talk about you.But sometimes people are real friends and loyal so they won't do it. For example my closest friend since 4th grade , were still so close and never have done that to each other. 

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