Teens Making a Difference Essay Contest | Teen Ink

Teens Making a Difference Essay Contest

October 19, 2022
By Anonymous

I remember wandering off from my mom when I was little in the grocery store and going up and down the aisles until I realized I had absolutely no idea where she was. Frantically, I ran through the aisles and a woman stopped me, asking what was wrong. I told her I couldn’t find my mom and I was scared. She stayed by my side until I found my mom in her wedged converse, yoga leggings, and heard the sound of her keys dangling from the cart. Until this day, I still think about the compassion this lady had for me and how helpful she was in calming me down when I was in a state of panic. 

One day, me and my brother were in Dave & Buster’s and I saw a little kid wandering around and I couldn’t help but notice that same, frantic look on his face. I quickly went up to the kid and asked him, “What’s wrong” and he responded by saying, “I can’t find my mom”. I sympathized with seeing him in such a panic because I knew the same feeling he was going through. My brother and I reassured the boy that we would find her. After going through each part of Dave & Buster’s we finally found the boy’s mother. Both the mother and the boy thanked us, showing their appreciation. 

I hope I had the same impact on this little boy that the women had on me. Helping him made me realize how a little thing you do can go a long way. It was a heartwarming situation as I was able to help someone in a time of sheer panic and opened up my mind of things I want to do in the future. I want to give back and help make a difference in someone’s life with whatever I choose to do in the long run.

The author's comments:

I am 16 years old and I want to help create a difference in the world. My first step is involving myself in the Friendship Circle. This organization pairs a high school student up with a teen who has special needs. Each time I go to an event it is heartwarming to see the impact I have on these children. They become filled with joy and excitement as soon as they see me. The feeling I get from making a difference in their lives is incomparable and makes me want to do something in the future where I can create a difference. 

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