Guardian of the Forest | Teen Ink

Guardian of the Forest

August 4, 2023
By Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep in the dense, shady forest lies a green guardian. With its gnarled trunk it stood proud and tall, like a monument to nature's strength and resilience. Cool, upland air rushes through the endless maze of branches, creating a gentle rustling sound that fills the forest with life. Its complex angles bend the sunlight in luminous and colourful prisms as if entertaining the grass beneath with multicoloured shows of light.

Despite the jagged offshoots that circled its trunk, birds and squirrels relish the capacious spaces under the verdant canopy. Chirps of strange harmonies will regularly echo under the cluster of leaves. The rhythmic tune coming from the tree tops enlightens the forest with a gentle melody that calmed the hearts of its neighbours.

The leaves wrap the branches like a shawl giving the tree a pleasing evergreen glow under the blazing medallion scorching in the sky. They don like armour, shielding the trunks from the merciless drumming of rainwater and the torrid heat of the sun. Slowly, I watch the delicate leaves prance in the gentle breeze whilst falling idly like feathers. The blade is smooth and shiny like cathedral glass.

Roots interlace from the ground up in great loops and ridges. Its roots anchor deep beneath the sodden earth to assure its unyielding power. However, some writhe above the ground like snakes trapping unsuspecting passersby.

Standing like groups of logs huddled together is the wide trunk of the tree. Warm scents of pine needles infuse the moist air around the bushes, giving off a scent like fresh caramel toffee. The bark protrudes towards the sky, towering above all others as if proclaiming its unrivalled dominance. The surface colours a rich dark brown, disturbed occasionally by the carvings of playful squirrels. Its sturdiness could make storms feel like a mere tickle.

As the sun waves its final goodbye to the verdant, undulating hills, the silver crescent fills the trees in ethereal moonlight. Gradually, the cacophony of singing birds diminishes as they retreat to their nest resting on the branches. Afterwards, darkness lurks underneath the canopy of leaves, leaving the forest in immensely cold silence. The time had come for the guardian to endure the blistering cold of the night and the eerie silence of loneliness to shelter its companions.

As my mind wandered upon these magnificent beings, a wide smile painted my lips and a fire ignited in my heart. Trees are the grand poem of the living world, a testament to the beauty and resilience of nature. Peace and life personified. Here, my spirit is freed like a bird released from a cage, dancing through the woods. The intricate and interconnected web of life that surrounds us is a delicate balance with the green guardian as its pillar, a symbol of nature's enduring power to overcome all obstacles and thrive.

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