Life Without Music: A World of Silence and Emptiness | Teen Ink

Life Without Music: A World of Silence and Emptiness

September 7, 2023
By CosmicBytes SILVER, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
CosmicBytes SILVER, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." – Steve Jobs

Ever wondered what life would be like without something you really care about? For me, that's music. Thinking about a world without it stirs up a lot of feelings and thoughts that are hard to put into words. 
Music has always been there in my life, from the songs that helped me sleep as a baby to the tunes that became the soundtrack of my teenage years. Imagine if music suddenly disappeared; it is like everything would be super quiet, and that is simply hard to picture. 
One of the first things I would miss is how music helps me deal with my feelings. It is like when I am sad, a sad song can make me feel better. And when I am happy, a cheerful song can make the moment even better. Music is like a mirror of how I am feeling, and without it, I would have a harder time expressing my emotions. 
Think about a world where there are no more live concerts or performances. No more getting super excited to see your favorite band play live. That amazing feeling of being in a crowd of people who all love the same music—it would all be gone. The fun times you have at concerts and festivals with your friends would disappear, and life would become a bit boring. 
Music does not care about language; it connects people no matter where they are from. Without music, we might not understand each other as well, and we would feel more distant from one another. 
Music also makes me more creative. It inspires me to write, draw, and try new things. Without music, I would feel less motivated to do the stuff I love. 
And do not forget how music can make us feel better when we are down. It is like having a friend who cheers you up when you are feeling low. Without music, it would be harder to deal with stress, anxiety, or sadness. 
In a world without music, the simple joys of dancing to a catchy tune or singing along with your friends would be gone. Life's background music, which is there for all your happy and sad moments, would be replaced by a boring silence. 
So, to wrap it up, thinking about life without music reminds me of how much it affects my feelings, social life, creativity, and overall happiness. Music is not about sounds; it is a big part of being human. If it vanished, life would feel quiet and empty. Let us remember to appreciate and celebrate music as this amazing thing that enriches our lives, even though we might not always realize it. Music is not just for fun; it is a way to show our humanity and connect with others in our diverse world. Its absence would leave a gap that we would forever wish we could fill. 

The author's comments:

Ever since I was born, 80s music has been a constant presence in my life. It all started because it was my dad's favorite genre of music, and somehow, it just stuck with me. From the moment I took my first breath, the sounds of iconic 80s bands filled our home. It wasn't just music; it was a connection to my dad and a piece of our family history. Those catchy beats, electric guitars, and unforgettable lyrics became the soundtrack of my childhood, shaping my musical taste and influencing who I am today.

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