Everything Disappeared | Teen Ink

Everything Disappeared

September 25, 2023
By 5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5falknerworgull GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If one day everything were to disappear and I was only allowed to 

certain things from within my life. I would save the things most important to me. 

“My phone” the photos and memories of people and places that are within my phone 

the good times and the bad are worth keeping so they do not disappear. It helps me remeber all the places I have traveled and the fun times that have been spent with my friend and family 

“Backyard” The little pine tree, when my uncle passed away my dad planted a tree in remeberence of him. He spread his ashes under the tree pines they 

were some of his favorite trees and he loved being within nature and out in the 

wilderness camping under the stars. 

“My Car” My keychains on my keys, they all came from a different

people who have traveled to places that I hope to someday go to: Paris, Italy,Germany, France as almost like a bucketlist as places I will hope to go.

“My closet” The t-shirt that I took from my sister before she left for college. I took her t-shirt before she left so she would think of me when she was looking for it and I would remember her when I was wearing it. 

“My bedroom” The diamond necklace that my grandmother had given to me.  It always had meaning behind it, the sense her grandmother had given it to her. Around the same time. 

“My backpack” My laptop that I watch my favoirte shows and facetime

 all my friends and family that have gone away to college. It is able to keep me connected with the people who no longer live near me. 

“My locker”  My backpack that I take on all of my trips. It has been brought all around the United States with me and has been taken to the top of cascade mountain to bottom of the Grand Canyon. 

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