capturing memories | Teen Ink

capturing memories

September 27, 2023
By sm0445 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
sm0445 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something that I would save is all my pictures from my bedroom in my mom’s apartment. I feel like there's a difference between the thousands of pictures on my phone and the ones that are printed out. You can have so many pictures and angles of one thing when you're taking pictures on a phone but Polaroids and photo booth pictures are a one time thing, there's only one picture in that moment. If you ever lose your phone, you can still access all those pictures you’ve taken but if you lose Polaroids you can never go back to that moment and take them again. 

I have a lot of pictures around my room, especially on my nightstand. I’ve seen people judge others for taking so many pictures, but I’m always taking pictures of friends and things I find beautiful whether it’s sunsets, the stars, anything. I love to find old pictures and look back and think about how life was at that time. As time goes on more pictures are taken and added to my room, and sometimes I take pictures down but I never throw them out. It would be hard for me to not be able to look at those pictures of what my life once was, who I was friends with, and how I looked. I’ve changed and grown a lot as a person and I like to think and reminisce about those times only captured in photo booths and cameras. Memories are important to me, and sometimes I wish I could go back into those moments since so much has changed. 

I have pictures of my family which is important to me, but I think the ones with friends stand out more. I have a strip of photos from a photo booth. It was the summer after eighth grade and me and my four friends went up to Wisconsin Dells for a day trip. I am now in my Junior year and I’m not close with any of those people anymore but that is still one of the best days I've had. As I started to grow apart from those people through conflicts or just new friends, that strip of photos stayed on my nightstand until a month ago. I switched it out for photo booth pictures of me and my boyfriend from the State Fair this summer, but the Wisconsin Dells pictures sit in my nightstand in the top drawer. 

Without these pictures I wouldn’t be able to appreciate those times in my life, I probably wouldn’t even think of them honestly. I'm always looking at the pictures around my room, often smiling about them. Even though I don’t talk to those people from that trip anymore, they’re still important to me as well as all the memories that we made together. I’ve learned to appreciate everyone I’ve met and everything in life because nothing lasts forever. 

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