I could not live without my car | Teen Ink

I could not live without my car

September 28, 2023
By 4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could not live without my car.

 This is because it has my gym bag and all the stuff that I could ever need in it. My car provides me with the things that I need for the gym like my water bottle and my air pod pros which allow me to have a great workout. Also, it provides me with transportation which allows me to go and do things that I need to do like modeling and going to the gym. Being able to go to these things builds memories that will last a lifetime and bring me so many different memories that help me build new relationships with people that could change my life forever.

 Also, it allows me to have fun experiences in life like going to the cliffs and on adventures that build amazing memories. For example, I have never been a person who is scared of anything, so we went to a 30-foot cliff jumping place and I was the first to jump. And oh my lord it was the most freeing feeling in the entire world and it gave me the most calming feeling of relaxation. As I was free falling through the air I had never felt so calm and free at the same time and it was the best feeling in the whole world. 

Another example is when I go to the gym and build my body to the way I want it to be. And like the gym provides me with an amazing endorphins release which calms my whole body and mind. 

Also, another example of this is when I go to a model in Milwaukee. I grow from this because not only am I growing my social skills but I am building relationships with people that could better my life or change my life for the better in the future.

 By having a car I can experience new things like the freeing air and the new sounds of traveling and changing through life and changing into new things such as becoming a new person in so many different ways that provide me with knowledge for the future.

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