Live Without | Teen Ink

Live Without

September 28, 2023
By 5kastner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5kastner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cannot imagine life without music. It is the universal language that has no boundaries and follows no rules. Music is not just a collection of melodies and lyrics; it grabs emotions. It gives comfort in times of sorrow, excites people in times of joy, and brings sadness. It speaks when words fail, expressing the inexpressible, and painting vivid emotions that words alone could never capture. Without music, the world would be monotonous. Without music, life would lack the symphony that makes the world so beautiful. 

The haunting strains of the melodic violin would never expose the bittersweet nostalgia. The rhythmic beats of the drum would never bring the adrenaline rush of anticipation. The crescendos of an orchestra would remain silent, leaving us with a void that could never be filled.

Music is like a time machine, transporting us to faraway places and bringing memories from the past. It is the soundtrack of our life that is intertwined with our most cherished memories. Imagine the world without music, weddings, graduations, and birthdays pass by in eerie silence, with nothing but voices in the background. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how dull the world would be and what it would feel like if we didn't have music. 

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