A Book Fair Long Long Ago | Teen Ink

A Book Fair Long Long Ago

October 6, 2023
By Kritel BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Kritel BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

At the book fair, I had no intention of buying a book, but my mom insisted. I reluctantly searched for a book I felt forced to read. Suddenly, a book about space captured my attention. I thought, "Why not give it a try?" Little did I know that this seemingly inconsequential decision would alter my future. The following day, I cracked open the book, and time flew by. An hour turned into an enthralling journey through the cosmos. Unknowingly for me, that choice ignited a passion for space and the universe, transforming my life's trajectory. I found myself with a thirst for discovery and a purpose.

The author's comments:

This piece is non-fiction. This one book sparked my passion for astronomy. 

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