A Metaphor About School | Teen Ink

A Metaphor About School

March 18, 2024
By MT18 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
MT18 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       A daily task which some people enjoy and some people, like me, not so much. You have to wake up early and attend your classes while you are falling asleep. Take it like this, your day is a triangle. One point your home, one is family, and the last one is outside activities. There is a point in the middle of it all, which is school. You may be wondering why is in the middle, shouldn’t it be one of the point. Well my argument for that is, you start at the center you go to all your boring classes, meet all your friends, and then when it is done, you go to the outside of the triangle. You might meet your family if they pick you up from school, you might get dropped of at your home, or maybe even some super long math classes at RSM. The point is once your outside of the triangle, you wont go back in. Once your done with school for the day, you will never go back, until the next day. But then what about the weekend when we don't have school? As the weekend comes around the corner, the dot in the center stays there, it doesn't disappear. You just start on the outside of the triangle. What I mean is, school doesn’t disappear on the weekends. It is still there on the intersection of Bubb Rd and Hyannisport drive, but you don’t have to go. 

       When you grow up there are other factors. What if I am done with school? As you grow up the broad topic of outside activities turns into categories, like having a job, maybe bringing you kids to school, which is technically family time. If you didn’t notice already my whole topic about school and how your day is a triangle, is actually a metaphor. And in school we just learned about metaphors and how they are all around us everyday every second. I guess school is useful after all.

The author's comments:

I made this piece when I was bored and needed something to write about. And since school is a big part of a Childs life, I thought I would explain it in a easier way to comprehend. Enjoy!

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