My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

April 19, 2024
By 5whelan SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5whelan SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Addison has always been more than just a label for me; it's a profound part of my identity, shaping the way I approach challenges and opportunities in life. As a teenager named Addison, I've come to appreciate the historical weight and symbolism that this name carries, especially in terms of strength, leadership, and authority.

To begin with, the idea of being a "son of Adam" feels deeply rooted in a legacy of resilience and endurance. It's as if my name comes with a built-in reminder of the strength that lies within my heritage. Whenever I face difficult moments—whether it's handling tough school assignments, navigating complex relationships, or pursuing my passions—it's almost as if the name itself whispers encouragement, reminding me of the fortitude that has characterized those who've come before me.

Leadership is another quality that I strive to live up to as an Addison. For me, leadership isn't just about being in charge; it's about having a vision, making decisions, and inspiring others. Knowing that my name historically aligns with leadership qualities encourages me to step forward, take initiative, and work towards making positive changes, both in my personal life and within my community.

Authority, to me, is not about wielding power over others, but about using influence wisely and ethically. Being named Addison reminds me of the importance of integrity and responsibility, such as the responsibility that comes with growing: my job, school, college prep, caring for my family. It's also about earning respect through actions and contributing meaningfully to the world around me.

On a personal level, the name Addison serves as a beacon of motivation. It represents a legacy of individuals who've persevered through adversity and made significant contributions. When faced with challenges, I draw strength from this heritage, knowing that I carry a name associated with resilience and determination. In essence, being named Addison is more than just a coincidence of birth; it's a responsibility—a call to embody the values of strength, leadership, and authority in my everyday life. 

As I continue to grow and explore my path as a teenager, I strive to honor the legacy of my name by embracing challenges with courage, leading with compassion, and using any authority I have to positively impact those around me, such as treating others with kindness. I've come to appreciate the historical weight and symbolism that this name carries.

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I love teen ink

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