Home to me | Teen Ink

Home to me

March 18, 2010
By n.rosen BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
n.rosen BRONZE, Culver, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have many homes. I have my Chicago home, my Florida home, my boarding school home. Home to me is not just a place. I may feel great attachment to my house, condo, or dorm room itself, but I have learned that home is not just where you have lived for a long period of time. Home is the location I am in with my family and friends. Until fifth grade, I lived in downtown Chicago and I grew such attachment to my house and friends that I never wanted to leave when my parents said we were moving to the suburbs. Another great decision by parents, because I know have friends from the city and from the burbs and I love them all. My Florida home is probably my favorite, because my family and pretty much my favorite people in the world congregate to one place for vacation. I’ve known these friends since fifth grade and I feel as if I have known them since I was born. They are practically my family. My school home is a new home. I’d never admit it to them, but I’m glad my parents forced me to come here; because of the people I have met (students and faculty). I am not necessarily enthusiastic about the school but I love my friends and my life wouldn’t be the same if I hadn’t come here. When I am with my family and friends, I can feel at home anywhere at any time. I even feel at home when I’m in a different country that is foreign to me just because my family is so comforting. When I was younger, I had such attachment to the physical being of a home. When I moved away from any home, I would cry so much. As I’ve grown older and more mature, I have realized that throughout my life I will be happy wherever I am if I have support from my loved ones.

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