The Movie Premire | Teen Ink

The Movie Premire

May 11, 2010
By Mackenzie Carver BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
Mackenzie Carver BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As we came to a stop, we hopped out of the car- well Marcus more of… decompressed out of the car, due to how tall he is and how small the car was. KT’s older sister had just finished dropping us off at Tempe Market Place and they were discussing when we wanted to be picked up.

“Alright I’ll pick you guys up at two o’ clock tomorrow morning, have fun at the movie premiere.” And just like that she was gone; KT, Marcus and I were going to be parent free for the next eight hours, YES!

I had never been to a midnight showing of a movie before that night, and I had mixed feelings about it. Although hanging out with my friends, attempting to remain awake until two in the morning, and staying at Tempe Market Place over night sounded amazing, we were going to see ‘Hannah Montana the Movie’ a movie that I never, ever wanted to see.

It turned out we couldn’t actually manage all we had planned to do; by ten o’ clock, KT and I were snoozing on Marcus’ arms, each a comfy pillow to rest our head. But then the awakenings started; every fifteen minutes one of the many strange, obnoxious, overly peppy girls yelled something like “It’s starting” (even though it wasn’t) and “Let’s do some of the dances from the movie,” (which, of course, all of them already knew). I could feel myself losing thousands of brain cells by the minute, choking on the noxious gas, which they called perfume. I felt like I needed one of those Hazard Unit suits just to be in such an inhospitable place. But just as I thought I could take it no longer, the first wave of screaming hit us. Have you ever heard a crowd of nonsensical girls screaming at the top of their lungs for the mere reason that something exciting just happened? If not, try to avoid hearing it at all costs! The last place I wanted to be was in that theatre, I was on the verge of throwing up, all the annoying girls in this movie theatre put together were more unbearable than my little sister after snorting pixie sticks (if that’s even possible) and I could only hope that I wouldn’t because I would probably we thrown out of the theatre.

Then Marcus, the ingenious young man he is, did something I never thought possible….he heckled the movie!! GASP!! When the girls hoo-d and haw-d over the cute boy when he was being “adorable”, Marcus did too-- but ten-times louder. When the girls behind us cried, he cried too. When the main characters kissed he did the funniest thing of all: he yelled “TEENAGE PREGNANCY!!” as loud as he could.

The only thing that could stop our hysterical laughter was when the girls in front of us twisted their heads around and stared us down with their hawk-like eyes, piercing through us. We knew that by that look they meant “shut your mouths, or I’ll shut them for you.”We tried not to laugh, but that only worked for about as long as it took KT and me to look each other in the eyes, and shrug.
Now I look back on that day and I see how much fun we had, even in those circumstances. But I also see the people we annoyed and those we ruined the movie for, and I feel kind of…bad for what we did, but it felt like revenge; sweet...sweet revenge, and….I L-O-V-E-D it!

The author's comments:
This is just a personal narrative I wrote about my first time at a midnight showing for a movie premire.

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