Changes | Teen Ink


June 1, 2010
By edillon BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
edillon BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For my portfolio I saw the musical, The Fiddle on the Roof. It was about a Jewish family who is living in a small town where the same tradition has been practiced for years. Tradition is the main focus in this musical. They are living during the Russian Revolution and things are changing. Tevye (The father of the family) does not want to accept these changes and wants to keep the tradition of the village. Some of the things that have been changing is how the women I the village are getting married. Usually the matchmaker of the village finds each woman a husband. The matchmaker in this musical was Yente, a very straight forward woman. She would tell the family who she thinks the match should be and the family would agree. Tevye had five daughters and the three oldest needed a match. Over the time in the play they didn’t want a match they wanted to choose their own husbands. Tevye thought that this was unheard of because of his strong trust in his tradition and how things should not change. His daughters are going behind his back and getting married the way they wanted. Throughout the play Tevye thinks that his daughters are being good but all of them are going their separate ways behind his back. Tevye is struggling with the changes that are going around. Tevye’s love for tradition fades away as his three daughters are separated from the family for good. His wife and two youngest daughters are torn a little bit and they have to start new in this new world.

The author's comments:
I saw the fiddler on the roof and i loved this musical. one of the best performances i have seen in the longest tieme two big thumbs up. I had to write about this and what i thought was the main focus of this musical

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