This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

October 25, 2010
By beaujo BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
beaujo BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This I believe that my brother has given me a whole new perspective on life.

He has taught me so much useless information that I thought I would never know. He’s also coached me about some very important information too. For example: Coke Zero has a chemical/acid named Aspartame that could lead you to brain cancer. Aspartame is a non-carbohydrate amino acid that is almost 200 times sweeter than actual sugar. It substitutes in low-calorie drinks. He’s explained to me about important events that are happening around the world and keeping me aware about them. Things we’ve talked about are: President Obama, Global Warming, and world wide situations. In addition to the information I never knew, I find it weird that I never really cared about what’s going on until he informed me about them. I’ve learned facts from him about different people I never knew existed or people I wouldn’t give much thought to. Sometimes, I feel as if I’m in a coma because I’m thinking about it way too much.

I have been understanding everything differently. Now, I have less terrible thoughts to more great thoughts. I’m mostly positive about anything now because of him. For instance: When I take a big exam or CSAP, I think “I’m going to do great on this and try the best I can do to get a grade I deserve.” Lately, I haven’t said anything like “I’m definitely going to fail this test” or “I can’t do this.” All because of him, I suddenly know I can do almost any thing if I put my mind to it.

Without lessons learned, I couldn't imagine what life would be like. Despite the mistakes he has made, he tries to prevent me from doing them myself. He’s notified me about what he’s messed on. When I come to a situation like his, I remember what he said to me and how he solved it. For an example: When he was my age, he snuck out and the second he snuck out, my mom caught him. Another time was when he was pressured to drink when he was my age.

This I believe that my brother Derek, is a positive out looker and a great example. Now that I have come to the thought about Derek, I’m concerned. If he has nothing better to do with his life than research information, than there’s something wrong. At least some body in the family has the brains.

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