This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

October 25, 2010
By fish stick BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
fish stick BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This I believe... That Skaters should be treated like regular people . Most people think that skaters are a negative influence. That they all have bad families and do terrible things. We don't. I can see that some people do bad things but they’re not always skaters. There usually the kids who do have bad families.

To begin, Skateboarding should be a sport that you can have fun with. Not be riding around and fell like everyone is looking and judging you. I think we should be treated like everyone else. That's like saying people that go for a jog in the morning are bad people. But they’re not.

Further more, People also say we earn bad grades in school and we don't do anything right. That's not true. If I have all A’s and B’s and maybe a C my parents will let me go skate with my friends. All of my friends have good grades and there parents care about them. Most parents care about there kids and make them wear helmets when they go ride around.

Prior to , People also say skaters are are irresponsible and get to go do whatever they want. Also not true. Most parents have a specific time they have to be home at. In regard my parents say I need to leave the skate park fifteen minutes early to create time to get home. That's how responsible skaters are.

Apart from that some great things about skateboarding are you get to hang out with friends, learn new tricks, and meet new kids. If you train really hard you can earn yourself into competitions and skating events. That you can earn big bucks. That's what skateboarding should be about. It should be a sport that you can have fun with and feel good about. That's what skateboarding should be about. Instead of People looking at us weird they could just leave us alone and everything would be fine. Together we can change all of this.

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