This I Believe... | Teen Ink

This I Believe...

October 25, 2010
By BYU26 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
BYU26 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Family is very important. I believe this because my family doesn’t judge me , you can get through life with family by your side, and I feel happier with them than at school.
A few years ago, I was a little overweight. But my family never judged me or treated me any different. Not even one time. I have 19 family members, not including cousins or grandparents. We all love and care about each other. Every time I become mad at one of them, they don’t hold it against me, they forgive. Once every two years, my family travels to a family reunion. I have the opportunity to hang out with my cousins here and I feel really happy. Unlike at school, occasionally, where there will be cussing almost every day, my family doesn’t cuss.
I have never lost a loved one in my life. But, I have never met one of my aunts and one of my grandmas. They passed away before I took my first breath of life. I believe that I should love my family because they wont be around forever. My sister-in-law discovered that she acquired a deadly kidney disease a few weeks ago. Thankfully she survived this illness. It would have been a terrible tragedy if she had died, because I believe family is important. Every day I am grateful that I made it through 24 hours without losing a loved one.
I am happier with my family than anywhere else. Every Christmas, my family gets together at my house. This is why I look forward to Christmas, the presents are simply an added bonus. Every time a new niece or nephew is born into my big family, my joy is unspeakable. Most people don’t think Salt Lake or Provo are ideal vacation spots. But I think differently because of all my family members around that area. When my family and I are together, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing as long as we’re having fun. I treasure the time I am with my family, because I always find myself smiling in their company.
My family doesn’t judge or hold grudges against me. Family is my life and I love each and every one of them. It would be weird to have one less sibling or niece or nephew,etc. I love my family.

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