A Doctor's Visit | Teen Ink

A Doctor's Visit

October 25, 2010
By Anonymous

Waiting on a table in one of three small rooms I pulled my pant leg up; impatiently waiting for the doctor to come. The joyful doctor barreled in, immediately acknowledging my mom and myself. The doctor started to tug and pull on my knee trying to feel of any abnormal movement. She stopped tugging and pulling and started to feel around the area that I felt pain. “This is what I was afraid of.” She said “There are areas of suspicion that look like you have a small meniscus tear and your ACL graft is no longer intact from your previous surgery,” she said “This means I need to go in and take a look at your knee. I will repair the meniscus tear but if the graft is not intact I will need to do another graft.”My face became immediately flushed and. I could feel tears wheeling up. My whole body felt shaky. My mom signed the papers and a surgery date was set. The doctor explained that grafts can fail she had only three of her patients have this and I was her third. My summer was ruined.

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