I hope he knows | Teen Ink

I hope he knows

November 14, 2010
By cuteypie14 BRONZE, Hewlett Harbor NY, New York
cuteypie14 BRONZE, Hewlett Harbor NY, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look up at the clouds above my head.
I see them in their gloom and see him breaking them.
I see with his smile it shines like the sun it blinds my eyes. I see his eyes which gleam like the stars. I feel my heart pound a thousand times when he kisses me.When he made me his I felt like a goddess when I am wrapped in his arms. I Heard the beat of his heart become in sync with mine. He was the one I have been dreaming of since was a small child. I never wanted to let him go. I just looked at him and said "I Love you." To my surprise he looked at me in doubt; no. I couldn't believe it, I questioned why, he says you can't. I asked again why and I got the same answer. I just felt slightly discouraged but just kept on loving him. Then one day he told me He wanted to break up with me. I was stupid and said ok. I went back to the room I was in and I felt the warm bits of rain coming from my eyes. I had to stop
because people were looking. I didn't want to appear weak so I stopped. When I got home I was in bed sobbing like I was one. I felt so weak and stupid; I missed him. He may never know that I still have feelings for him or that my hearts wounds may never heal. But my heart will still be his for the taking. Whenever he realizes its his,or the fact that I fall and get attached to quickly.I just want him to know that I love him. I hope, someday he comes back to me and holds me in his arms once more and this time doesn't let me go.

The author's comments:
"I wrote it out of my heart and out of the pain I feel.
I also really miss him beyond his imagination, and I feel that he might be my soul mate."

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