Creepy & Crawly | Teen Ink

Creepy & Crawly

December 13, 2010
By Anonymous

People fall head over heels for Christmas desserts and thanksgiving treats, but what about the other, not-so-beloved, holidays. Every year as the air starts to chill and the fall colors start to be worn, I remember my favorite holiday. My favorite, not because of the traditions and memories, but because of the delicious dessert that is creepy and crawly and fits in with the ghouls and ghosts. Halloween comes accompanied with dirt cake crawling with gummy worms and crushed Oreo cookies.

Each year my mother comes home from the grocery store with bags full of Oreo cookies, gummy worms, chocolate pudding, and whipped topping. Upon sight of these treat filled bags I know exactly what she’s thinking: Oreo dirt cake. I start to get excited and my mind wanders to memories of making the dessert as a little kid with my sisters. A tradition that seems odd and unlikely for a family of three daughters, but it always welcomed the fall season with excitement.

Cookie crumbs go flying and pudding ends up splattering across the kitchen, but the end product is delicious. A light and fluffy treat that fits in with the creepy-crawly holiday festivities and is enjoyable long past the trick-or-treating age.

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