Happyness | Teen Ink


January 10, 2011
By Kelsaysay BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
Kelsaysay BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Happy + ness? Happy. The ability to smile or laugh. A state of well being and contentment. A song written by NeverShoutNever. Well for sure being happy doesn't mean being sad or mad. It doesn't mean that you're grumpy or unsatisfied with what you're given. No, happyness is being happy, enjoying life; being grateful for what you have and trying to always look at the bright side of any situation. Happyness is you.

Happyness, sure it’s something you feel. When you feel as if you’re on top of the world. When your heart’s being fast as ever, when you catch yourself at a loss for words. You feel all the emotion of excitement, and wonderfulness bursting into a million butterflies. You can see it when your face is glowing. You can see it when all the blood has rushed to your cheeks and next thing you know you’re blushing. You see it when you’re smiling form ear to ear. You can hear it by the sound of your laugh, by the sound attempting to express how you feel, but happy just doesn’t sound like enough. You taste is by the sweetness of his lips lightly brushing against yours. You taste in when you’re eating your favorite ice cream in the middle of the night. You can smell it in the flowers he picked for you, and the dinner he spend the evening making for you.

Happyness can be caused by many things. Mine’s due to cheerleading, family, camping, ice cream, excelling, dancing, singing, jumping, and most of all love. I’ve never experienced happyness to this extent until I met you.

It’s all about how you perceive the situation. Say your car stalls on a dirt road. Do you freak out and spazz? Or do you turn up the radio and dancing in the street, laughing and not giving a care in the world? Personally I’d rather dance and make a fool of myself.

My happyness relies on those late night drives to no where, singing/screaming at the top of our lungs- dancing in he middle of J.C. Penney or in the rain in Meijer’s parking lot., going out for a last minute ice cream date, playing skipbo and uno for hours and hors.; my happyness Is caused by the way you look at me, the way you hold me, the way you play with my hair as I’m falling asleep, the soft kisses you place on top of my forehead, the way you tickle my feet when you know how much I hate it. My happyness, I blame it on you, and how you share your lunch with me when I forget mine at home. It makes me happy, the way you take care of me when I’m sick. You make me happy. You are my happyness.

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