Expectations | Teen Ink


February 10, 2011
By WafaNisa BRONZE, Seremban, Other
WafaNisa BRONZE, Seremban, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Success is not the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success.

Have you ever live up on to others expectations? Have you ever care about it? Did you happy when you did the others expectations? One thing that i dislike is when someone use to be friends or close with someone with their expectations.The reason why i choose this theme because i had experienced it before and i find it very difficult to do and when i fail to do,i become remorse.I never hate or anti to these peoples but their expectations sometimes are difficult to achieve.
There is one person that i know and he use to be like that.I really want to be close to him just like the others and i tend to get jealous when i see someone else seems to be more closer.At that time,i never know and aware of what kind of person he is and i can say the main reason why i want to be closed to him because of his attractiveness.The way he dress,his personality attracted me.Like an animal which they tend to get more attracted to the colourful flower than the white plain flower.The situation is much the same like me at that time.Because of his personality,i want to get more closer to him.
As days,weeks,months passes,i started to see the truth or aware who’s he really are.The story begins when i did something wrong and upset him.I know that’s my fault and i thought it will be okay sometimes later but it’s not.Well,human are no perfect and we all know that.I did another mistakes and from that moment he really treat lightly.No fully attention.I don't want full attention but the way he treat me is improper.He will give excuses when he thinks i’m annoying.
He had mention the peoples whom he liked very much and most of it because they live up to his expectations.It just because i did something wrong,he treat me lightly and i can feel that he make a fast conclusion on me.That’s not the way to judge a person.I cannot blame he too because maybe he had his own reasons and plus humans are different from each others and we cannot expect the same result from each of us.
What did i get from this experienced is never make a conclusion to fast and labeled a person such as a bad person or something else.This article is based on my past experienced and i don't want to make bad assumptions on him.This is what i can feel throughout that moment.Since we all had feeling,we might feel something and think something if someone is never get easy on us or dislike or anything else.But whatever feeling we get,just be nice and let bygone be bygone.What is good from the experienced,we keep it in our mind to be use in the future.What is bad from the experienced,just leave it.

The author's comments:
Experience is a worthy thing in our life.Without experiences,we barely survive in future.

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