My Plate | Teen Ink

My Plate

April 11, 2011
By Kat4476 BRONZE, Los Angles, California
Kat4476 BRONZE, Los Angles, California
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

There are a lot of plate and food metaphors out there. "Got a lot on your plate." "Plate of fear." "Bitten more than you can chew."
What's on my plate? Is it a basic TV dinner, or is it a chic filet mignon? Could it be a rustic steak or a sweet piece of cake?
Who am I? My plate is a mix of love, music, tears, envy, and heartbreak. But do these add up to a complete person? What am I missing?
The missing piece of my plate will just have to come to me in it's own time. There is nothing I can do but wait for it to decide to show up.
It's going to be a long wait.

The author's comments:
I was just thinking about who I was.

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