My Sister, Mollie | Teen Ink

My Sister, Mollie

January 11, 2012
By katiebug95 BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
katiebug95 BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.<br /> - Lucille Ball.

My sister is weird, funny, smart, and cute but she’s also goofy, dumb, sweet, and loving. She’s my best friend, and although I won’t admit it in public, she’s my sister. And her name is Mollie Durbin.
To me, she is my little sister, even though she is only eight months younger. I want to say as her big sister I look out for her, but it is usually the other way around. We have been best friends since we were both in first grade, and we were lucky enough to become sisters when out parents got married. Since then, we have been on a roller coaster! We fight like siblings do, and get along like best friends do. But, now that we are getting older; we get along a lot better.
We spend a lot of time together, whether it is playing the Just Dance 2, watching T.V., or playing her favorite sport softball. But the thing I love most about my sister is that she loves to cook, because I sure love to eat! Any time that I’m hungry, all I have to do is call her over, and she’s there to make me my food. It’s like she is my personal chef.
On top of her being my chef she is also my own court jester. She is always making me laugh, whether I want to or not. I guess it’s the bubbly personality that makes her in a good mood all the time. But, it has down sides to it too. When you mix my naturally hyper personality with her funny, giggly personality, all you get is... one massive headache! But, we get along great when we are in moods like that, and I love it!
So, as much as we fight and don’t get along, I love my sister. I can honestly say that I don’t know what my life would be like without her!

The author's comments:
My sister mollie is always there for me and helps me through my ups and downs. My sister is my bestfriend and I wouldn't change her for the world.

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