silence of a flow | Teen Ink

silence of a flow

January 21, 2012
By Divi. BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Divi. BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Who in the world am I?&rdquo; Ah, that&#039;s the great puzzle.&quot;<br /> ~ Lewis Carroll

Today a close friend of mine went to swim in the sea. He had to share with me what a great experience it had turned out to be. A regular swimmer taking up swimming for his daily fitness activity, his muscles used to the strength they required to wade through the enclosure of the four walls of the swimming pool. Watching his co-swimmers dive into the foams of H2O his spirit was ignited to try out and dip himself into the unknown. He could till now rave about the deepness of the pool in which he swam but who could measure the depth of the ocean! With a knot of fear tied tightly his stomach he relaxed his mental doubts about his abilities and let the cool waves soothe his nerves. Letting the thrust of nature to build trust in his own capacities he ventured to move ahead with the flow of the tide. The first few movements of his limbs began his journey, the rest nature helped him pull through naturally. Going quite in the midst of the flow he then turned to view the shore and realized his minuscule existence in this vast ocean of life. So much peace and lightness just a few kilometers away from the mundane existence of the land. So much of the uproar of mankind settled in the silence of a flow.
A resignation to the fights of insecurity replaced by the peace of surrender in nature.

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