Your That One Thing. | Teen Ink

Your That One Thing.

January 26, 2012
By AlanaB BRONZE, Falkirk, Other
AlanaB BRONZE, Falkirk, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had always been one of those girls that just went for the hot guys, it sounds bad but it is true, I never paid any attention to there personality’s or what they really were like as a person. I have no idea why I did it but I did, and I can’t exactly turn back time. When I look back I regret it so much, I could have had a great deal of remarkable boy’s and I never even noticed. Never the less I’m positive some of them were absolute pricks who took girls for granted, but I can’t really talk. I treated most of them like utter s**t and only now do I realise that, I walked all over them and used them to improve my reputation in the school. Now I understand that it was wrong and I shouldn’t have treated anyone in that way. You know what made me realise this? Jake did. Jake is my boyfriend and has been for 3 years now. He was the person that made me who I am today, the only person I could be myself around, the one who I could act completely stupid around and the only person, to this day, that knows who I really am. Just to prove to all the people out there that I have changed, I shall describe Jake to you, the real Jake, the Jake I love. He is the sweetest boy I have ever met, he says the cutest things at the most random moments and that I am not complaining about because it never fails to put a smile on my face , I can talk to about anything and when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING! He is there for me through thick and thin, I can trust him with my life, he can cheer up even at the worst of times, I have the best time with him, I have never had so much fun with anyone else, he makes me laugh, and is up for anything. He would do absolutely anything for me and I would do the same back, he has given up a lot to be with me and that means the world to me that someone would sacrifice so much just so that they could be with me of all the people! He actually listens, and from what I have heard there isn’t a lot of guys that actually do that, he will listen to everything I have to say and give his advice on it, which always seems to be right! I could go one for hours, but I don’t need to because I have the one word I need to describe him, PERFECT, most of you’s will laugh at that and say nobody’s perfect maybe not but in my eyes he is and that is all that matters to me. He is not only my boyfriend, he is my best friend, my best friend forever. He is all I could ever ask for and more, he’s got that one thing, that one thing I need! :’)

The author's comments:
Just a short piece that I had to share for all the people out there that dont think I've changed, I have!

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