My Life Growing Up Being BULLIED | Teen Ink

My Life Growing Up Being BULLIED

September 15, 2012
By Tesha BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Tesha BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started when I was just a little girl in Kindergarten. I was always getting picked on because of my body hair and how i looked. Of course i was born with a lot of body hair, but i couldn't help it. Everybody would tell me to go home and "shave" or "go back to the zoo". I would get so offended, cry and want to go home. This continued all through elementary school, when it got to middle school, it got worse.

I couldn't ignore the comments anymore, i had to stand up for myself, and show them that their is nothing wrong with being born with a lot of body hair. They didn't care and kept on calling me out my name, everybody that called me a name got spoken to by the principle. As for me, I ended up with detention, or suspended, and i didn't feel like that was the right thing for me to get when i was sticking up for myself. My mom would always tell me to tell them that "they are just mad because I look more beautiful then them". My grades were down, and I dreaded going to school everyday. Everyday is a struggle for me, whether its walking down the street, going skating, or just going to the store.

I come home in tears, because somebody has called me "monkey", "ape", "gorilla", "king-kong", and more. I'm in high school now, and "Yes, I still get bullied". Being bullied has forever changed my life. I'm in counseling now, as I became agressive. Even agressive towards the ones who bully me. I have built so much hate inside, that if I was to explode I would truly hurt somebody. At home, I literally destroyed my room, and wrote hate phrases all over my walls.

I feel that who ever has to put up with bullying should just stand up instead of backing down. I have realized that all my life from what has happened, I have became a bullier to, even though it wasn't meant to happen or me even realizing it. I have a lot of support from my mom, to become very successful in life. Bullying has effected people in many different ways, like some would go home and commit suicide, or other kids jump on the victims who they have bullied and commit homicide, or seriously hurt them. Everyone isn't born perfect, people need to realize that the kids they bully are humans just like them. If they take time out they can see that, they could end up being the people they bullied best friend. I love the way I look and wouldn't change it for nothing. I pray and hope that whoever reads my story, and is being bullied, "Please go talk to somebody and stand up for what is right", because I still AM.

The author's comments:
I hurts a lot to see other kids and people on t.v. and in society get abused or bullied because of something on them or how they are. I am La Tesha Nakiya Tillman, 16 years old and this is my story of how I am living, with "BEING BULLIED".

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This article has 1 comment.

mom76 said...
on Oct. 10 2012 at 11:56 am
alot of people need to take bullying seriously im so proud of my daughter she has struggles everyday.go tell someone that you are being bullied lets fight this fight together