Dreams | Teen Ink


December 2, 2012
By Mac1124 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
Mac1124 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;even the stars, they burn, some even fall to the earth.&quot;<br /> -Jason Mraz, I won&#039;t give up

I hear a small whisper of “I Love you” leave his lips. The lips mine are about to meet. My eyes flutter shut, he caresses my cheek carefully like I’m fragile glass that he doesn’t want broken. As we touch, I start to shake. Why am I shaking? I hear high pitched beeps and go on full alert. I fall, but my face doesn’t meet his chest, it meets the hard wood of my bedroom floor. My feet tangled in the soft black blanket. I trip as I attempt to stand. It was a dream, a sad burst of what once was and the boy I loved that never felt the same. He swore he would love me until the end of time, that I would be his bride, his lover. But that was months ago, and now I’m his mistake. I can’t take these feelings back like he did though, they are engraved in my heart forever.

The author's comments:
My boyfriend of three years broke up with me and i was devastated. I still have dreams of him.

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