Black Friday Nightmare | Teen Ink

Black Friday Nightmare

January 15, 2013
By bbaker1234 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
bbaker1234 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ouch! Hey- ouch! Quit shoving me”!

It was Thursday evening, excited as can be waiting for that one sale with all those great deals. Look at me, never thinking I would get caught up in this sale. Well, think again, My parents are away for the week going to California to buy a Toterhome, A semi RV used to pull trailers, I'm stuck at my Grandma’s house it’s really not so bad. since She makes all kinds of pie. Having to get that big screen my dad want’s,
“I wish he wasn't so cheap so we wouldn't have go to this sale”, I grumbled to myself.

What some families would do to get there, was get in the car and go, so thats what we did for the most part, besides dropping of my Great Grandma at her apartment. Then like a speeding unicorn, we were there at Walmart.

So we went inside. Inside, it was like a chicken farm. There were so many people!

“Ok, Grandma, let’s get this over with.”

We headed over to the TV section and left my grandpa there.

My Grandma went on to go find the sheets she wanted and I, like most teenagers, dream of cheap ,to the point that they are almost free, movies. I headed to the movie section and there were hundreds of people there waiting.

“ Holy cheese! Maybe I should just come back later.” I thought.

So I left and met my cousin who was there with his neighbor. We were just standing there talking and then the clock struck 8:00 and it turned into a madhouse, as everyone dashed to all the displays and racks of merchandise to grab games and such. So I said goodbye to my cousin and headed back over to the Movie section to look for a movie titled “Unstoppable” took my interest. When I got there, it was chaos and for some reason, my mind told me how bad I wanted that movie. Then I threw myself into the crowd.

“Ouch! Hey- ouch! Quit shoving me”!

I started drowning in a sea of dumb people. It HURT! I stumbled all over the place like a blind man in a subway station. I now know what rocks felt during the compaction and cementation process.

Well, I found the DVD I desperately wanted for a long time and I got out of that mess.

I headed over back where my grandma was and I found out that she almost got flattened trying to get the sheets she wanted.

We stood there waiting for the 10:00 bell so we could get our TV and get out of there. Minutes that felt like hours passed by. My feet ached so bad that I was desperate enough to go to the camping section to get folding chairs (that we ended up getting my dad for christmas). I also was wearing my sister’s Two sizes too small crocs and big wool socks from hunting because, i left my shoes at hunting camp. That hurt worse than standing in line, My feet were sweating so bad that my toe nails were soft. “OUCH!”.

The clock hit 10:00 and we left to go to the check out. We were waiting in line for at least half an hour, which made my stress level exceed its boiling point.

We left the store and drove around back to pick up the awesome 50 inch plasma HDTV. When we got there the TV was too big for me and the TV to fit in the back of my great grandma’s crappy “Rendezvous” mini van. So I had to sit up front on my grandma’s lap. You don’t know how embarrassing that was.

We all made it home unscaved. Waiting there to greet us was my aunt and uncle and my annoying cousin. OMG, that ruined the night. The next afternoon, I had to put the TV stand and TV together alone. So that I can watch my movie that I purchased the night before.

Later that night, my whole family gathered around the brand new TV that I put together and we all watched a movie called “Transformers: Dark side of the moon”.

My thanksgiving turned out to be one of the better ones of my 13 years of life. After it all ended, I returned to school, knowing that my chaotic experience Is over with for now until the next nightmaric black friday sale comes next year.

The author's comments:
My experience at my first black friday sale.

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This article has 1 comment.

Richshel27 said...
on Jan. 27 2013 at 9:43 pm
This article is great and I love how you compared the compacting and sedimentation process to being in a crowd of people. Keep up the good work!