Crisp Cool Air | Teen Ink

Crisp Cool Air

January 18, 2013
By eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
eHmystery BRONZE, Ayr, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself.

Trees stretch far down the right side of the road and fields follow on the left. The sounds surrounding the road create an orchestra of music as the rustle and bustle of the leaves accompany the bass of the car engines and the sopranos’ that were the birds as they sing a delightful little song. My footsteps crunch the frozen grass in time to the music.

I enjoy these walks, feeling the cold breeze of the wind brush my face and chill my nose while the sounds keep my ears entertained and the views amuse my eyes. My thoughts are far ahead of me drifting through what is going to happen when I arrive at my destination, thinking about the minute I lay my eyes on her again.

The cold wind threatens to chill me to the bone and make me a quivering giant but with my jumper, jacket and gloves on tightly they shield my body from the cold and my ear muffs protect my fragile ears as they dance delightfully to the music. I pick up the pace in order to combat the freezing air; a small jog should heat me up and keep me warm.

My phone begins buzzing in my pocket and starts to ring, I look at it and it’s her. She’s calling me to see if I’m ok and asking where I am, my vocal chords struggling to beat the wind in this battle of communication. I Squeeze out the words I need to say and end the call with an “I love you” and she’s gone…

I march forward with new found enthusiasm coming just from hearing her voice, feeling on top of the world and that nothing can bring me down… suddenly I’m warm and the blood rushes through my veins excitedly as if It knows I’ll see her soon, I’ll gaze into those big blue eyes and be safe. Five miles to go.

This vigor excites me and I start to run. Thinking about her and what’s on her mind as I approach while the landscape is changing… I start to ascend up a hill and I feel the fires beginning to ignite in my legs as my muscles start to strain and cramp slowly settles in. I think of her… I repeat her name in my head and her image appears in front of me like a ghost… she turns and starts to run away peeking back and giving me a cheeky smile that calls “chase me” and I do…

Sprinting after the illusion of her I race the wind, running as fast as I can, gaining on her but she’s starting to slow and tire. As we reach the top of the hill she finally stops and just turns to wink at me then vanishes. I’m left there alone again on top of the hill glancing around at the magnificent view she has left me with. I can see my destination in the distance, a collection of houses and shops, the village… I’m almost there!

As I descend down the hill with the thought that I’m almost with her… only one short mile to go then across the village and I’m there. I engage my legs and starts jogging again inspired by the thought of her in my arms… the birds are cheering, the leaves clapping and the engines of passing cars are roaring victoriously as I race onward.

Boosting my energy levels with a quick sip of fresh water I stride forward propelled by happiness and the noise from the audience… my phone starts to buzz and ring again… it’s her once more, another ‘check-up’ to see where I am and If I am ok… another quick exchanging of words ending with “I love you” and the click as the phone hangs up and again I’m left alone in the wilderness, racing the wind and filled with joy.

As I look ahead I grimace as I see another hill much more challenging than the last, taller and steeper and the fires start to rage again but this time no spirit of her, no vision to help me race onward instead I steel myself to the pain in my legs and take on the challenge head to head. Sprinting up the hill I soon reach the top after a painful battle, my legs are burning, chest is heaving and my breath has quickened drastically but I feel good. I feel warm and with another quick sip of my water to refresh myself I race on for another handful of minutes until I’m in the village.

Walking through the winding streets I power my way to her house. That little black Iron Gate, the gleaming white door and crystal-like glass, the golden handle cold but inviting as my right hand rests firmly around it and I pull down. The door opens smoothly following the click of the lock and I’m in. The warmth from the house quickly wraps around me and soothes me almost like a hug and I slowly close the door behind me and head towards the stairs.

I ascend up the cream stairway slowly and quietly. As I reach the peak I slowly proceed towards her bedroom door which has her name on it. It fills me with happiness to see it written in front of me and I pause admiring it for a few seconds before my hand rests on her door handle, smoothly it opens and I enter.

There she is before me, lying asleep on her bed with the pink sheets wrapped tightly around her; she must have been in bed when she called me and must have slumped back to sleep. I notice her phone on the bedside table and I pick it up, she set an alarm for 8:50, I check my watch and it blinks 8:49. I stop the alarm and rest myself on her bed wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek. As her window blinds blow open and crisp cool air enters the room she awakes and looks at me whispering “I love you.”

The author's comments:
This piece is based on a true event but is slightly exaggerated.

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