My Nephew | Teen Ink

My Nephew

February 6, 2013
By yankees55 BRONZE, Petersbgh, New York
yankees55 BRONZE, Petersbgh, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when your mom told us she was pregnant with you. It was in the middle of winter; we had a big storm and the power was out for a week. When she walked-in and said she was pregnant your grandmother was so happy she hugged your mom and as for me and Uncle Ron we just look at each other.
9 month went by , and you were born Nov. 14,2011. Your grandmother called the school to let me know it was a boy name Messyah. I went home after school; your grandfather took me to see you in the hospital. I walked in and sew you in your mother’s arms ripped in a white blanket and a blue hat on. Your mother hand me you but I was afraid to hold you. I take you in my arm and walked over to the rocking chair, holding you. I never felt more alive than held you right here. When you smile at me, I felt happy.
1 year want by you are now 1 year old. You have red heir, green eyes, and you are walking and talking, dancing. Making a mess as you go. I call you bunny as everyone else calls yoboogeymanan. People say we look alike and I can see that.
You are my Nephew, Bunny !

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