My Second Family | Teen Ink

My Second Family

March 11, 2013
By emilee iverson BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
emilee iverson BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our goal is reached! We are in the finals! Playing together was something we knew we had to do. We jumped for joy and smiled until our cheeks were sore. We would be having a team meeting in an hour, we knew we would be talking about what the championship game had in store. The team met and everyone acted like five-year-olds because we were too excited to focus, however, when he pulled out an article about our opponents, everyone got serious. We finished up, headed to bed, but no one slept a wink.

The day has come; we are playing for a state title. We prepare how we always do, but with a lot more nerves. It’s a beautiful sunny day, and everyone feels the excitement of the crowd as they pile into the stadium. We are ready. We talk about team work and sticking together and playing with our hearts. The time had come; the game is about to begin.

We break out and take the field for the last game of our season. We have prepared all season and it is our time to finish it. We get some outs and get our first run with a homerun. We play on and they begin to score, but we knew we have it when we go into the bottom of the seventh with the lead. We finish the game, and dog pile in the middle of the field.

The best feeling in the world had just showered over us. We have won our state title. We stuck together, worked hard, and refused to back down. This was what we were striving for and, finally, we won it! We aren’t only a team; we are a family. We win together and lose together, and, in the end, victory was ours!

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